The rapid pace of Apex Legends provides fans of the battle royale genre an incredibly competitive title to dedicate their time and skill towards. With a cast of appealing and charismatic heroes, Apex combines the hero shooter genre with the Battle Royale genre masterfully. The game rewards first-person shooter skill as much as it forces players to work well with their squad and develop a strong sense of teamwork. Providing all the usual battle royale bells and whistles, Apex includes a battle pass filled to the brim with possible unlockables for players to strive towards.

Arguably the most coveted unlockable within the game, skydive emotes provide a funny and awesome goal for players to strive towards. Forcing players to level up characters within the battle pass and unlocking different emotes at different level points, skydive emotes are an item that almost all players desire. If purchasing the battle pass was not already a simple decision, the inclusion of these skydive emotes makes the purchase much more enticing. However, unlocking this in-game emote is harder than it sounds. But with some guidance, it will be simple.

How to Unlock and Use Skydive Emotes in Apex Legends

To unlock a character’s skydive emote, players must first buy the Apex battle pass. This pass provides players with a multitude of unlockable items that can be earned through playing matches. As you level up in Apex you will be provided different rewards. Among these is the aforementioned skydiving emotes.

The first emote can be unlocked at level 10 and the higher you level up the more character’s emotes will become available. This is a long and at times difficult process, but the ability to style on your teammates when diving into the intense battlegrounds of Apex is worth the time commitment.

Once you have your character emotes, all a player has to do is press the given prompt to perform the action. Once done, the character will perform a silly or awesome action as they descend from the dropship. As mentioned, the character’s emotes will be locked behind varying levels. Some will be placed lower on the battle passes reward tree and some will be hidden behind the highest levels. So be sure to dedicate yourself to the process and before you know it you will be able to reap the rewards.

More: Apex Legends: Character Guide to Every Playable Legend

Apex Legends is available on PS4, Xbox One, and PC.