Apex Legends, the popular battle game from Electronic Arts, will offer to its players a higher level cap and more rewards, starting from December 3. Despite the success that Apex Legends gained shortly after its release, the game has recently struggled to maintain its popularity, partially due to negative comments by Internet personalities who are relevant to the game industry. Last April, the Twitch streamer Michael “Shroud” Grzesiek threatened to leave the game forever because of its slow, laggy servers. The streamer Dr. Disrespect, instead, said that EA’s role-play game feels “a bit like a demo.”

Therefore, it’s no wonder that EA and Respawn Entertainment, the developer of Apex Legends, are trying to win the players back with interesting and meaningful additions to the game. It’s a bit of an uphill battle of sorts, but the developments made thus far are quite promising – from minor updates like weapon nerfs to major changes. Best of all, major updates are being made to the game right now, with major adjustments to the level cap en route.

As TechRaptor explains, the level cap of the game is going to be raised from 100 to 600. Additionally, the XP needed to achieve level 100 will be reduced by around 5%, so the players will be able to progress faster through the game. Because of this adjustment, once the new system will be implemented, some players who haven’t reached level 100 yet will automatically go up a level or two. But that’s not all: EA will also change the Apex Pack system, so each player will be able to unlock 199 packs instead of 45 before level 500.

More in detail, the tweaks in the system will allow to unlock one pack per level until level 20, one pack every two levels until level 300, and one pack every five levels until the end of the game. This means that the player will earn 19 packs during levels 2-20, 140 packs during levels 22-300, and 40 packs during levels 305-500. The new Apex Packs system will be retroactive, so the players who reached a certain level with the old system will automatically get the packs they would have received with the new one.

With this new reward system EA will introduce 37 new Gun Charms. They are colorful decorations that look just like bracelet charms or keychains, and the players can use them to decorate their weapon to their liking. The Gun Charms will be added to the Apex Packs, and each one of them will be unlocked when the player reaches a specific level. To be exact, it will be possible to earn a new Gun Charm every 1oo levels.

Next: Apes Legends’ Solution to Cheaters Is Making Them Play Each Other

Source: TechRaptor