Apex Legends is set to include double jumping, wall-running, and the giant mech suits known as Titans from Respawn Entertainment’s Titanfall series. A new update for Apex Legends went live earlier this morning and allowed dataminers to sift through its code to uncover where the game is headed, and it appears Apex Legends will soon be much closer to the franchise that spawned it.

Apex Legends is the hottest battle royale game going at the moment. The amount of players playing Apex Legends has grown at an absurd rate since its launch, with numbers that surpassed even Fortnite when that game was at a similar point in its life cycle. Not bad for a title that was initially met with vitriol once fans learned Respawn had opted to create a battle royale game rather than the heavily anticipated Titanfall 3.

According to a report from @RealApexLeaks, the new code reveals the existence of two new modes called Jumpkit and Wall Run. There’s also a mode that references the word “Titan” several times. According to the Twitter account, these modes are definitely test modes for devs, most noticeably because they currently only have a max player count of 1. The mode is currently called Classic, which means there may be a gameplay variation that allows competitors to play a closer mix between Titanfall and the battle royale genre.

For those who believe it may be leftover data from when Apex Legends was still considered to be Titanfall 3, the account also confirms that the code has only been added as of today, ruling that out. The newly implemented code also indicates a few more gameplay modes will be coming in the form of Recruit Mode, which had its existence leaked earlier in the week, and a new Survival Mode. The latter will also introduce a new map that is currently called “Box,” though it’s unlikely that name sticks once it is fully realized in-game.

Apex Legends has already set itself apart in the battle royale genre with its dynamic, fluid gameplay. Adding elements like wall-running and double jumping could be another stepping stone on the game’s ascension to multiplayer greatness. The biggest story, though, remains the confirmation of Titans. Fans were gutted that Titanfall 3 wouldn’t be releasing anytime soon, and the number of people who consider the series’ multiplayer as some of the very best in the world is an indicator of its quality. Being able to tool around in mechs or have an entirely different gameplay mode in Apex Legends seems like it’s too good to be true, but the code is there, and it appears we’ll know the answer soon as the game hurtles toward the debut of its Battle Pass and seasonal content.

More: Apex Legends Is Better Than Every Recent Full-Price ‘Triple-A’ Game

Source: @RealApexLeaks