The latest update for Respawn Entertainment’s Apex Legends includes significant changes to inventory space and the player’s ability to stack various items. In addition to the large amount of meta changes, players can expect a load of new content. This large update begins the System Override event, which adds a limited-time game mode and a heap of Apex Legends cosmetic items. As usual, a prize track of collectible event cosmetics will be available until March 14th, when the event ends.

This is the first major event for Apex Legends since the release of Revenant, the newest character to join Respawn’s popular battle royale. Fans who had been following the story of Apex Legends were convinced the new character was going to be someone named Forge, but Revenant’s reveal as a secret playable assassin surprised everyone.

As far as the balancing and meta changes go in the latest Apex Legends update, the most significant change lies within the player’s backpack. The player’s default inventory space, before they have picked up a backpack, could previously hold eight items. This has been increased to ten items, which in turn raises the number of slots in all gray, blue, purple and gold backpacks by two. However, the amount of duplicate items the player can stack has been reduced for nearly every type of loot in the game. According to the official Apex Devstream patch notes posted on Reddit, a full stack of light/heavy/energy ammo has dropped from 80 rounds to 60. Healing items also faced these inventory nerfs, as the stacking amount for syringes, shield cells, medkits, and batteries have all been reduced as well. The most significant of these nerfs sadly came down upon grenades, as the player can no longer stack them at all. Sniper and shotgun ammo remains unaffected. The trailer for Apex Legends’ System Override event is embedded below:

However, balancing changes like this may reveal themselves to be positive in the future. Although players may never again find themselves holding eighteen shield cells at once, this means they will hoard less items and perhaps be forced to share them with teammates more. These updates were not all gloom and doom, as much needed buffs were given to Apex Legend character Bloodhound as well as the latest weapon, the Sentinel sniper rifle. There is also one particular change to the cosmetic drop system that has many players excited. The rarest cosmetic items in the game are the red-rarity “Heirlooms.” This elusive loot box drop grants players a flashy melee weapon for certain characters. It’s still only cosmetic, however these items are highly sought after and incredibly expensive to purchase. Finding an heirloom, especially one for their favorite character, was a pipe dream for most Apex Legends players until this latest update added “heirloom shards” to loot boxes. After the player receives some of these shards they can select an heirloom from the shop.

This new change not only makes finding an heirloom finally feel like a conceivable goal, but also gives players the opportunity to choose the one they actually want. As Apex Legends Season 4 continues and System Override begins, Apex Legends will certainly see a lot of traffic, and hopefully EA’s servers are prepared.

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Source: Reddit