On February 12, during the Apex Rivals competition, Apex Legends garnered 8.2 million cumulative viewing hours on Twitch. In this contest, 48 of Twitch’s top streamers competed against each other, and fans were clearly interested to see the results firsthand.

Once upon a time — July 12, 2018, to be exact — Fortnite set the single-day viewership record, clocking in at approximately 7 million cumulative viewing hours on Twitch. This was achieved at the time of Season 5’s launch, shortly after the title debuted on the Switch and when Fortnite mania seemed to be at its peak.

While Apex Rivals certainly bolstered viewership for Apex Legends, allowing it to quickly surpass Fortnite’s feat, data suggests that the record might have been broken soon even without the streamed competition. That is, reports indicate that 6.9 million viewing hours were spent watching Apex Legends on February 10, and this number increased to approximately 7.1 million viewing hours the next day.

That level of viewership is right near Fortnite’s record, and it occurred on days when only normal gameplay was being streamed. Time will tell what other records Apex Legends may break amidst the game’s ever-increasing popularity.

More details on Apex Legends viewership can be found on Gamasutra.

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Wondering if Apex Legends will ever be cross platform or have crossplay? Read our cross platform insight piece.

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We also have recommended landing spots, recommended PC settings, and the seven best loot locations in Apex Legends.