One of the most competitive online battle royale shooters available now, Apex Legends challenges a player’s team-building skills alongside their shooter capabilities. With a cast of characters filled to the brim with personality and powerful abilities, Apex makes use of the hero shooter archetype through the lens of a battle royale game type. The game forces players to collaborate with the members of their squad in order to survive. The title encourages individual skill alongside a player’s ability to collaborate and excel with the members of their squad. This creates an interesting paradigm of skillful FPS players developing working alongside a squad filled with players just as skillful.

Apex is one of the most difficult titles to break through into the upper echelon of players. As it requires a firm understanding of game mechanics and a solid sense of teamwork and team building. The best shooter players don’t always make the best Apex players because they fall short in their ability to operate as a squad. Alongside this need for teamwork Apex also requires a firm knowledge of battle royale philosophy and FPS skills to excel at. This guide will provide some essential tips to join the pros at the upper level of Apex Legends. 

Finding Out What Weapon Loadout Is Right For Your Apex Legends Style

The game provides a tremendous variety of weapons to use. Rivaling the arsenal of a game like PUBG, there is more than enough options for a player to develop their own personal style and load out preference.

As you attempt to discover which weapon combinations fit your style of gameplay it is important you make use of the new and improved firing range. This game mode provides every available gun, site, stock, barrel stabilizer, and weapon mod in the game. This will provide the perfect training ground for a new player to discover their ideal weapon loadout.

When deciding on what your favorite weapon loadout is, take into consideration some of the most popular in the meta. One weapon combo is the powerful, Wingman and Peacekeeper duo. This loadout excels at high burst damage but is limited to close and mid-range combat. What it lacks in range it makes up for in extreme damage and one to two-hit kill potential.

Other combinations include the classic, “long-range and short-range” duo. This could be a sniper rifle paired with a shotgun or an Assault rifle paired with a high damage pistol or SMG. Some players may prefer the high damage but rather the short-ranged combination of weapons over these long-range options.

Regardless of which combination you choose, be sure to become familiar with its relative strengths and weaknesses in order to optimize your damage output.

Look For Positional Advantage in Apex Legends

A lesson taught in almost all battle royale shooters, positional advantage provides one of the most oppressive advantages over an enemy. Being able to decide on what angle to tackle a given angle can be the difference between a won and lost combat encounter.

Players may inquire, what exactly is a positional advantage? And the answer is rather complicated. Every combat situation calls for different methods to tackle the situation. For example, if you are fighting an enemy squad in a flat field, then a player will want to either find the best cover or attempt to flank the enemy squad.

Another example would be a fight that takes place on a canyon side. The squad that takes the high ground will surely defeat even the technically superior squad. This is rooted in the difficulty of a team will face trying to hit a team standing overhead. However, shooting down onto an enemy squad provides a clear advantage. It prevents the team from inside of the canyon to utilize effective cover while providing a bounty of cover for the team on the high ground.

A positional advantage is a concept required for all aspiring Apex pros.

Learning How to Be Illusive in Apex Legends

A player who cannot be hit is impossible to kill. That is the mentality that is engraved into an advanced Apex player’s mind. The title provides a wide variety of movement options that make evading an enemy squad all the more easier.

The first option available to players is the classic concept of “strafing” A technique made popular by FPS titles such as Doom and Wolfenstein strafing is a classic maneuver that will surely increase your survivability. This technique is done by simply moving side to side during a firefight. This makes pinning a strafing enemy near impossible as they are moving their character in a way that prevents any “clean” hits. This is not the “best” movement option but it is one which will increase a player’s success in combat encounters.

Another option is the infamous drop shot, technique. Although there are is no prone option within Apex the game provides a powerful sliding move. This allows for an even more useful version of this drop shot technique, one in which a player quickly falls to the ground while unleashing a stream of bullets. Sliding makes this drop shot a mobile and near impossible target to hit, due to their rapid pace and small character model. Using this sliding drop shot makes a smart player a minuscule and deadly target.

Finally, certain characters have incredibly advantageous movement options. One of the strongest is Pathfinder’s grappling hook, which provides both a useful engagement tool and an equally powerful evasive weapon. Characters such as Bangalore and Octane possess powerful sprinting abilities which make pinning them down a near impossibility. For they possess unparalleled sprinting abilities compared to the rest of the cast. Wraith possesses a variety of teleporting abilities that allow her to be invulnerable to enemy attacks making her a slippery target for even the best marksman.

Making use of these powerful movement options will illustrate your superior game sense and make you a nearly impossible target to kill. Allowing players one more step on their journey to being an Apex pro.

More: Apex Legends: Revenant Starter Guide (New Character for Season 4)

Apex Legends is available on PS4, Xbox One, and PC.