While people all over the world were celebrating Christmas, the developer behind Apollo for Reddit released a big update for the app, adding lots of new features. Head below for the full details on what’s new.

With version 1.12, Apollo for Reddit received three new icons, including one to celebrate Christmas called Santapollo. This update also adds a new Markdown renderer using Apple’s library. With that, Apollo loads comment even faster and bring benefits like inline-table rendering, syntax-highlighted code blocks, better list, rendering, and more.

There are also improvements with SidebarViewController to use the new renderer as well as a better view of random subreddits with r/random in Apollo, loading faster.

Apollo for Reddit also brings a new long-press feature on a link so you can make the quick action of the “Open in Browser” option. There are also new inline Wikipedia previews to comments, including a thumbnail and brief article information.

For those who love new themes, Apollo for Reddit 1.12 adds new Dracula and Mint themes. Apart from that, there are a ton of bug fixes and small improvements. Check some of them:

  • Fixed bug where on some iPads in comments for a post with a GIF they would lag badly when scrolling, update iOS to make doubly sure though (thanks u/cats-lock!)
  • Fixed bug where some linked posts in Apollo would just try to load the Reddit homepage because they had weird symbols in their URLs (thanks u/BasementDweller3000!)
  • You can now zoom in further on images, even if low res (ENHANCE!)
  • Fixed issue where sometimes the media viewer could think you were zoomed in a hair and be hard to swipe to dismiss
  • If you compose a comment and type an author, it’ll now offer to autocomplete the actual post’s author as well.
  • You can now easily add subreddits to a specific multireddit directly from your list of subreddits
  • Polls are now properly accessible to VoiceOver
  • You can now scrub YouTube videos to go forward and backward in time easily if you have Apollo Pro
  • If Apollo shows a tweet and the user is verified, there will be a little checkmark icon now

You can check everything new with the app here on the App Store.