Apple products may have gold from illegal miners

Documents seen by the authors of the report confirm that the companies bought gold from the Chimet and Marsam refineries between 2020 and 2021. Both refineries have been under investigation by the Brazilian Federal Police for illegal extraction of natural resources, in addition to several charges related to environmental damage.

At the same time, the illegal extraction of natural resources also finances organized crime. In Brazil, the number of armed attacks on indigenous peoples has grown considerably in recent years as these mining companies expand their operations

Every company listed on the US stock exchange is required to report its natural resource suppliers. However, although Chimet and Marsam are under investigation in Brazil, these refiners are currently certified in the United States and Europe. Although tech companies argue that they use clean materials, it seems that not all of them are really interested in learning where these materials come from.

Apple says it has high standards for its suppliers

Apple also said that it has high standards for establishing its partnerships and that it is constantly looking for sustainable suppliers. In a document submitted to the US Securities and Exchange Commission, Apple says it works to protect the environment and also the lives of people affected by its supply chain.

On its website, Apple has a section that highlights all the company’s actions to preserve the environment during the manufacturing of its products.

Apple works to protect the environment and to safeguard the well-being of the millions of people touched by our supply chain, from the mining level to the facilities where products are assembled. We are deeply committed to continually assessing our progress and building the lessons we learn into everything we do.

The US government also declined to comment on the report, while The London Bullion Market Association said it is aware of the ongoing investigations in Brazil and that it is reviewing the certification of these mining companies.

H/T: @_asfonseca