Apple has today said that its accessibility feature VoiceOver is helping more blind people to read than any competing system.

As an illustration of the power of the technology to assisted blind and partially sighted customers, Apple tells the story of Scott Leason, a blind veteran who regularly surfs off San Diego’s Mission Beach …

Apple says that Leason was blinded when shot by a robber, but was helped by training from the US Department of Veterans Affairs’ Blind Rehabilitation Center – and Apple tech.

And he experiences it all without seeing it. Leason is blind.

One of Leason’s surfing instructors says that he was amazed by what the vet could do with his iPhone.

Leason himself says he can sum up the impact of the iPhone on his life in one word.

You can read the full story here.

The American Foundation for the Blind honored Apple for VoiceOver back in 2015, with Apple showcasing apps that take advantage of the feature. Facebook is one such, the app using AI and VoiceOver to describe the contents of photos to blind users, and Leason is not alone in describing Apple’s accessibility tech as life-changing.