According to multiple reports out of France, Apple is constructing a dedicated display for the upcoming Apple Watch in some upscale Paris-based retail outlets. The reports say that the size of the display is close to the length of a few small balconies and that Apple Retail Senior Vice President Angela Ahrendts has been directing the construction of the booth at retailer Galeries Lafayette on Champs Elysees. While these claims for France are still unconfirmed, sources have told us that Apple is considering constructing dedicated Apple Watch retail stores in the future if demand deems such outlets necessary…

These dedicated stores could be stores within larger high-end retailers, similar to how Macs are sold at Best Buy, or smaller-scale Apple Stores that sit on their own to sell Apple Watches. It is unclear when these dedicated stores will debut, if ever, but Apple has already begun work on transforming its existing stores to sell the Apple Watch. Sources say that Apple is currently installing dedicated safes inside of its stores to house the pricier Apple Watch Edition models prior to sale in addition to special weight scales to determine the amount of gold in individual Apple Watch units. Stores have also begun stocking up on special cleaning wipes to clean Apple Watch store models in between hands-on demonstrations for customers.

Apple CEO Tim Cook has said that the Apple Watch will begin shipping by April.

Update: Apple is reportedly opening up another pop up shop in London Selfridges pictured below in their famous “Wonder Room” with hires being transferred from local Apple Stores to the central London location.