Apple this evening has shared three new videos in its ongoing iPad Pro ad series. The new videos highlight user complaints about PCs and offer up a solution to the problems: the iPad Pro. The three new ads highlight the design of the iPad Pro, its battery, its versatility.

The first new advertisement focuses on the iPad Pro’s size and highlights a user tweet complaining about how her laptop “weighs five million tons.” Apple touts that the iPad Pro is thin and light, while also offering powerful apps such as excel. This ad was first showcased on Twitter earlier this month.

The second ad is called “All your school stuff” and showcases the iPad Pro’s versatility in education. The ad showcases a tweet from a student who says that she “can’t get any work in my dorm room.”

The third ad highlights the iPad Pro’s all-day battery life and showcases a PC user’s tweet complaining that her laptop died halfway through her flight.

Apple first began this Twitter-based ad campaign last month, marking a stark change from Apple’s other recent advertisements. The ads are lighthearted and poke fun at PC users, carrying a similar tone to Apple’s icon “I’m a Mac and I’m a PC” advertisements. The ads are meant to highlight how the iPad Pro can be a PC replacement.

Apple CEO Tim Cook has long pushed the idea that the iPad is a better solution for most people than Windows PCs:

All of today’s new iPad Pro ads can be seen below:

I think if you’re looking at a PC, why would you buy a PC anymore? No really, why would you buy one?

Yes, the iPad Pro is a replacement for a notebook or a desktop for many, many people. They will start using it and conclude they no longer need to use anything else, other than their phones.