At the Apple Distinguished Educator conference this week, Apple Vice President of Environmental Initiatives Lisa Jackson spoke to educators about the importance of the environment and Apple’s related work. Jackson showed the above photo and said “that little green leaf means a lot to me.” The leaf outlines multiple words expressing Apple’s work on the environment such as “Apple Campus 2” and “EPEAT.” During her talk, Jackson shared Apple’s work to trying to reach 100% renewable energy across its operations and she said that Apple is “not going to stop until we get to 101%…”

Jackson also touted recently released statistics such as that Apple’s data centers are now 100% run on renewable energy. She also discussed Apple’s overall carbon footprint in 2014:

Jackson also shared interesting statistics regarding both iOS devices and Macs and the environment. She said that it only costs 51 cents to charge an iPhone everyday for a year in energy. She also talked about Apple’s cycle of improving products model-after-model so that they are more environmentally efficient:

Other topics of note from Jackson’s talk include information about lack of harmful materials in Apple’s products, a segment on Apple’s recent newspaper advertisement, and Apple’s recycling programs.

To fit with the theme of environmental responsibility during the Apple Education-related conference, many teachers in the audience noted that they took notes on the event with iPads and applications such as Paper.

Jackson joined Apple last year, and she was previously on President Obama’s Administration as the head of the EPA.