Apple has hired Terry Gilton the founder of a small app company called pSiFlow to be their Senior Director of Sensor Technology. Dr. Gilton who has a Ph.D. in Chemical Physics from UCSB joined Apple this month, though he is still listed as residing in Boise Idaho.
His company, which makes apps for iOS is still listed as being active, so it isn’t clear if Apple purchased the company or just hired off its Founder/CEO.
pSiFlow Technologies describes itself as an integrator of analytical data (for example water quality) aquired on mobile devices with realtime trending, treatment reccomendation and messaging.
Before pSiFlow, Gilton spent almost two decades working at Aptima Imaging.
There is an almost unlimited amount of things Apple can do with a sensor expert (beyond checking your pool). It will be interesting to see what Apple does with Dr. Gilton.