Update: Apple says it will appeal.

We may have finally reached the finale in Apple’s years-long patent case with VirnetX. The firm announced on Monday that it was awarded $439.7 million in its case against Apple over patents it claims Apple used for iMessage and FaceTime.

The firm’s announcement highlights that the court sided with it on all motions filed:

VirnetX’s case started picking up steam last year when the firm was seeking $532 million over patents related to FaceTime, iMessage, and VPN. Apple previously lost in court to VirnetX back in 2012 to the tune of $368 million, although that verdict was thrown out in 2014 before requiring a new trial.

While the $440 million penalty is a drop in the bucket for Apple, it’s surely a battle Apple didn’t want to lose as many have called VirnetX a patent troll.

Update: Apple tells TechCrunch it will appeal: