I completely understand the company’s attitude. They have a new iPad and iPhone, so the last thing it needs is bad press. A press release by the company says that the Fair Labor Association will be conducting special audits at the company’s suppliers. To its credit, Apple has requested this. No matter what targeted the decision, it is a good step in a normal direction. Factories checked will also include Foxconn facilities in Shenzhen and Chengdu, China. The Foxconn facilities have been the subject of many press reports about working conditions. Thousands of employees will be interviewed about working and living conditions, among other things and the facilities, as well as the documents will be reviewed extensively. The suppliers have, of course, assured Apple of their full cooperation (who would want to lose such business?). Hopefully, this will lead to a decrease of articles describing appalling things from Apple suppliers’ factories. A report will be published in March. It’ll be interesting to see what happens to suppliers that aren’t up to standards.
