Apple, Google, Microsoft, Facebook and other U.S. companies have warned the Trump administration that planned visa changes will harm the economy.

The USA grants work visas to highly-skilled immigrants who offer particular value to U.S. companies. Under an amendment introduced under the Obama administration, their spouses are also offered work permits to make a move to the States more practical …

It’s this aspect of the program Trump wants to reverse, denying work permits to spouses. As Re/code notes, this will make it harder to recruit the best qualified employees, and may lead to many existing workers deciding to leave the country.

Speaking through a range of lobbying groups, the companies said that losing such workers would be damaging to economic growth and job creation.

A broad coalition of businesses including Apple, Facebook, Google and Microsoft urged the Trump administration on Thursday to preserve [the] program.

Apple has previously spoken out against other Trump immigration changes, including ending the DACA program and an immigration ban affecting Muslim-majority countries.

Employers would also face an increased risk that their valued, long-term employees will choose to leave their companies for other employment opportunities in countries that allow these workers and their families to raise their standard of living.

Image: Lawla